Saturday, January 25, 2020

Regulation of Genetic Engineering

Regulation of Genetic Engineering At 43 years old, Bruces life was almost completely destroyed by one disease that infected 1.7 million people and killed 594,690 thousand people in 2016 just in America according to the American Cancer Society. This disease is famously known as cancer. Bruce went to his doctor for a regular check-up and took a routine blood test. Bruce felt fine and felt no symptoms of any disease. The next day, Bruce got a call from his doctor. The doctor told him he had an elevated level of alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme in his blood he never heard. The doctor explained to Bruce that there could be problems with his liver or bones and more tests were conducted. The tests returned and Bruce found out his liver was fine, so the doctor recommended a full-body bone scan. The doctor told Bruce, Dont worry, its not like you have cancer. The full-body bone scan took place and halfway through scan, the technicians began to speak in hushed tones. Did you injure your leg recently? they asked. I broke my leg when I was five, Bruce explained, hopeful that would help explain things. The technicians started chattering more intensely. More tests were ordered, an x-ray, then an MRI. Then one afternoon, Bruce got a call from his doctor. The tumor in your leg is not consistent with a benign tumor, the doctor said. It took a second for Bruce to convert that negative info into a much more horrifying affirmative: he realized he had cancer. Bruce sat and thought about how his life would change. He was not worried too much about himself, he was worried about his twin three-year-old daughters. Would they wonder who I was? Bruce thought. Would they yearn for my approval, my love, my voice? Bruce was facing the reality that he might never be able to walk again. Thankfully, Bruce found a doctor that was able to cure his cancer after 15 hours of surgery and chemotherapy. Afterwards he had 500 additional hours of physical therapy. Bruces life could have been saved by genetic engineering if researched more, but could have negative effects even worse than cancer if done incorrectly. Genetic engineering, if researched more, has the potential to be able to completely eliminate cancer. Genetic engineering does need to be researched more and researched very carefully. If genetic engineering is researched incorrectly and something or someone was genetically modified, possibilities of consequences could happen. Not only can Genetic engineering incorrectly lead to physical consequence, genetic engineering can also have moral consequences. Genetic engineering has the ability to also play the role of God. Genetic engineering can allow a person to create a human workshop, allowing them to build humans in however they want. Genetic engineering can be very confusing so some definitions needs to be explained. Genetic engineering and genetic cloning are often referred to as the same thing. Genetic engineering and genetic cloning are actually two different things. Genetic engineering refers to the technology used to alter and transport genomes and organisms, effectively shaping them to the desire or will of the geneticist. Genetic engineering can also be referred to as Genetic Modification or Genetic Manipulation (Genetics). Organisms that undergo or are created by the process of genetic engineering are referred to as Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs for short. Genetic cloning produces genetically exact copies of organisms. Another definition needed to be described is aesthetics. Aesthetics is described as cosmetics or individual reasons personal own benefit that does not involve with any medical issues. Because genetic engineering is tied to many major areas in science, limitations are needed. Genetic engineering can also be used in domestic breeding, but I will only talk about molecular genetic engineering on DNA. This discussion will be talking about genetic engineering globally. Genetic engineering is an issue that happens outside America as well as inside. In fact, the first genetically engineered embryo was in china. To understand genetic engineering more, the history and background will need to be discussed.ÂÂ   Genetic engineering is trying to be used in medical uses as of right now. Genetic engineering is very similar to surgery in many ways. The original intention of surgery and genetic engineering is to heal people. The first surgeon dates back to around 800 BC, the surgeon was named Sushruta Samhita.ÂÂ   Francis Bacon foretold genetic engineering in 1627. The first genetically engineered organism was created by Herb Boyer and Stanley Cohen in 1972. According to an article in New Statesman by Caroline Daniel, the Human Genome Project is an international scientific collaboration, this project started in 1990. More than two billion pounds were funded by the European public to this project. The United States is the main country in favor of this research into genetic engineering. The human Genome Projects goal was to sequence every human gene before the year 2005. In late 1997, 50,000 genes had been mapped. As of 1998, around 250 gene therapy trials were being conducted around the world. Leroy Walters, the project director, said gene transfer might eventually cure genetic disorders. After ten years in the operation, there is only one successful gene transfer, as opposed to the 400 unsuccessful protocols conducted worldwide. The first genetic engineered human embryo happened in 2015. This embryo was not created to be given birth, just tested. There will be three points talked about in the following discussion. The first point is genetic engineering needing regulations in the moral aspect. The second point is genetic engineering needing regulations in the commercial aspect. The final point is genetic engineering needing regulations in the medical aspects. These three points will specify why there are regulations needed for genetic engineering. Widely known as a revolutionary scientific breakthrough, genetic engineering has been on a path toward changing the world since its introduction in 1973. However, as genetic engineering slowly enters the lives of humanity, the morals and ethics are entering public attention, and as a culture we are left to question whether the change brought on by such a discovery brings benefit and positive change, or damage and destruction to everyone. Genetic engineering is justified through applied bioethics and despite arguments against its societal implantation, should be utilized in efforts to develop into the 21st century to create a better society. There is the concern that mankind is playing God, that we as a species and as a society are exceeding our natural reach and thus operating outside of our traditional boundaries, where our cultural sense of ethics and morality may not even be right. In more research and studies, scientists will be able to design children however they want. Using genetic engineering will allow parents to choose what traits their child will have. For example, the color of the childs eyes, skin and hair will be decided. As well as, choosing the height of the baby and weight it will be able to be. Using genetic engineering to help the child live a healthy, disease free life is one thing, but as soon as that becomes blurred with the desires of the parents of trying to control every possible genetic outcome, that is when genetic engineering crosses the lines of genetic manipulation. The dictionary defines manipulation as, to control something by yourself. Parents would be manipulating their unborn child to be something that they do not even know if it wants to be. Genetically engineering children for personal gain of the parents is lazy parenting. There are plenty of other ways to improve a childs intelligence and athletic capabilities without interfering with genes. If genetic engineering doesnt start to raise enough ethical concerns for the greater population, there will be an uproar on discrimination. In the past whites and colored people werent allowed to be married, and in the future those who were genetically engineered will not be advised to marry those who were conceived without being altered. Society has a problem with the way they look, talk, and act now. Designing children isnt natural. Natural would be in the womb and not in a petri dish. Those who design children are just lazy. They are practically saying they have no time to put into their childs future so they will just pay for it. God created everyone in his own image in his way. Regulations are needed for this because allowing humans to change Gods creation on humans is immoral. Another way that genetic engineering can play the role of God is benefiting ones self. Researchers have found that genetic engineering could have the capability to make a humans life longer. Many people are even looking to use genetic engineering to make humans live forever. Due to sin in the world, humans are selfish and just want to make themselves as happy as possible, even if the action is immoral. Some humans love themselves so much that they want to clone themselves. Genetic cloning has been successfully tested and is in current research as of right now. Regulations on cloning humans are definitely needed because God has created each person in a unique way. The only benefit of having a clone is so that the person does not have to do work and so they can be lazy. The bible even talks about being lazy. Proverbs 13:4 says The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied. The only reason to create a clone of ones self is for selfish reasons. There are also ethical concerns in cloning. Many people would just have twins walking around and one would be real and one would not be a clone. This could cause an outrage in humanity. If a regulation is not set between using genetic engineering for treatment and using genetic engineering for enhancement, many parents could use it for eugenic purposes. This could cause ethical concerns but also social concerns as well. This would give the rich even more advantages than they already have to begin with and drive the social classes even farther apart. The use of genetic engineering may also lead towards genetic discrimination. As the world is already full of discrimination, genetic engineering would increase the numbers of discrimination against people. With genetic engineering, scientists would be able to change unborn children to make them acceptable to the human world. Every genetic engineered human would be fake, and not be of Gods creation but the creation of somebody else. The entire world would be composed of humans that would not be themselves, but rather other people they wish to become. People would wish they would have been genetically engineered because of advantages in genetic engineering. Some might say that genetically engineering humans for enhancements and cosmetics makes the person happy and we should not get rid of happiness. The purpose of our life is not to be happy, but to glorify God in whatever we do. Treatments in genetic engineering is different than aesthetics. God has given humans to have free will and choice but just because something is available for us to do, does not mean it is good. God already gave us our lives the way he made them. Exodus 4:11 says, The LORD said to him, Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the LORD? This does not mean that we should not heal the blind or the deaf, God created us in his own way specifically. God allowed humans to have medicine, but just because allows sickness in the world does not mean that we should not use medicine. Regulations are needed in genetic engineering in the moral aspect. References B. (n.d.). Bruces Story | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Retrieved from Beatty, J. (2016, June 8). My Polio Story is an Inconvenient Truth to Those Who Refuse Vaccines | Shot of Prevention. Retrieved from Ifgene home page: Students Help Desk A History of Genetic Engineering. (n.d.). Retrieved from Kamat, K. (n.d.). Genetic Engineering: Playing God? How Far is it Ethical? Retrieved from Long, K. (n.d.). What is the Difference Between Cloning and Genetic Engineering? | Education Seattle PI. Retrieved from Saraf, S. (n.d.). Internet Scientific Publications. Retrieved from

Friday, January 17, 2020

Argumentative Essay of the Movie “The Reader”

Parra 1 Martin Parra Prof. Enrique Wong English 100 4 December 2012 Looks can be deceiving; do not fall into the trap â€Å"Ethical principles stand above the existence of the nation and that, by adhering to these principles an individual, belongs to the community of all those who share, who have shared, and who will share this belief† (Fromm 121). This thought was impossible to perceive in Germany during Hitler’s command and his cruel, racist, immoral Jewish holocaust. Ethics and moral never existed in that country by that time, thus Germans only lived under the â€Å"law†.One special case of this atrocity was the one of Hanna Schmitz, in the movie The Reader. Some people would say that Hanna Schmitz was a right person based on the fact that she helped Michael Berg during his youth and also the fact that she was a disciplined worker. However, she manipulated Michael Berg, killed around three hundred people in the concentration camp, and killed herself when she w as in jail. Despite Hanna helped Michael when he more needed at the time he was very sick, she manipulated and mistreated him in different ways.The first one and the most important was when Michael had to take a bath (The Reader, film). He wanted a private moment, but Hanna disrespected him (The Reader, film). She did not close the curtain and saw him naked. When Michael realized that, he was restrained. Looking at his eyes, Hanna seized the moment and got naked, too. Michael got shocked. After some looks, Michael was having his first sex experience (The Reader, film). He was just fifteen years old. Then, they began to repeat this situation almost every day. So, Michael Parra 2 started to prefer going Hanna’s instead going home, and she did not care about it.Neither cared about his name (she just called him â€Å"kid†) nor how was he with his disease (The Reader, film). She just wanted to have sex and pleasure, not love at all. After some time, Michael read a story to Hanna and she liked the way he did it. Hanna liked so much that she preferred hearing a story before having sex (The Reader, film). Again, Hanna is using Michael just to self-indulge. Another situation where she did not show respect for him was in the train. Both saw each other, but Hanna did not want to greet him and turned around (The Reader, film).Furthermore, she told Michael that she could not be upset with him because she did not care enough about him (The Reader, film). Unexpectedly, he asked Hanna if she loved him, the answer was a deep silence (The Reader, film). So, it is clear that Hanna Schmitz did not respect Michael Berg, just used and manipulated him for her own benefit. After a long time, Michael became a law student and saw Hanna again, but in a trial (The Reader, film). It resulted that Hanna drop her job at the train office and radically became a concentration camp guard (The Reader, film). Why did she take that decision?It can be possible that she was in a diffic ult situation in her life, but she could have easily chosen another type of job, not an atrocious one. Even though she knew her new job was killing people without a logic reason, she accepted before thinking twice. The worst thing she did was burning a church with three hundred people inside and locking all the doors (The Reader, film). Where are the ethics, moral and logic here?! She did not want to think in the most important values and rights, she just obeyed the law. Based on Donald B. Walker article: Law is the derivation of a society? interpretation of justice which is relative both to time and place. Furthermore, the creation of law is more frequently the Parra 3 result of the interpretation of justice by the powerful in the society which is then applied at the expense of the powerless. Obviously, in this case the Germans were the powerful and Jews, the powerless. Consequently, their law was an interpretation of what they think to be justice; but, that justice was based on ha te, racism and killing of some people, especially Jews. This absurd law was the only thing Hanna had in my mind when she was working as a concentration camp guard.She could save those people if she had thought in ethics and rights, but no. She did not open her mind, just obeyed the law. At the end of the trial Michael began to cry because the judge sentence Hanna penal servitude for life because she admitted that the letter about those killed people in the concentration camp was written by her (The Reader, film). It may have been worse; she could have been executed due to all the people she had killed. Years passed, Michael Berg became a judge, he had a daughter; but, he never stopped thinking about Hanna Schmitz.He could not forget her. So, one day he decided to write a letter to her (The Reader, film). When she received it and heard the name Michael Berg, she was surprised. After that, Michael sent her a story recorded in a cassette. Since then, plenty of cassettes arrived to Hann a’s jail (The Reader, film). Since then, she learned how to read and write. Now the big question, why did she tell the judge that she wrote that letter when she did not know how to write? It cannot be possible that Hanna lied in the most decisive moment of the trial, of her future.Finally, she killed herself after Michael wanted to help to her to get out of prison. These attitudes are considered part of the psychologically weakest people who refuse any kind of help from others who love and care them. Once again Hanna Schmitz hurt Michael and did not want his help, even worse, his love. Parra 4 In spite of Hanna Schmitz helped the young boy Michael Berg when he was sick and was an excellent worker, as a conclusion, it is clear that she was a manipulating and cruel person. She used the young boy Michael Berg to satisfy herself and killed a lot of people just because it was her job.She did not showed respect, human rights, and ethics in both cases. Actually, she can be considere d a selfish hypocrite prepotent person who just wanted her own benefit with no respect or care about the others around her. So, be careful; you do not want to be like Hanna Schmitz, right? Works Cited Fromm, Erich. Escape from freedom. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1941. Print. The reader. Dir. Stephen Daldry. Perf. Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, and Bruno Ganz. Mirage, 2008. Film. Walker, Donal B. The Detah Penalthy: Legal Cruelty. USA Today, November 1983.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay on Ralph Ellison Living with Music - 1434 Words

Ralph Ellison Ralph Ellison Ralph Waldo Ellison was born March 1, 1914 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to Lewis Alfred and Ida Millsap Ellison. At the beginning of this century, Oklahoma had not been a state for very long and was still considered a part of the frontier. Lewis and Ida Ellison had each grown up in the South to parents who had been slaves. The couple moved out west to Oklahoma hoping the lives of their children would be fueled with a sense of possibility in this state that was reputed for its freedom. Though the prejudices of Texas and Arkansas soon encroached upon Oklahoma, the open spaces and fighting spirit of the people whom Ellison grew up among did provide him with a relatively unbiased atmosphere. The death of Lewis†¦show more content†¦Although he received musical training in many instruments as well as theory, he held a high preference for the trumpet and was talented enough to obtain training from the conductor of the Oklahoma City Orchestra. Ellison took part in playing at many concerts, marches, bands, and celebrations for the town. During the midst of this study, he did not lose sight of his desire to be a Renaissance Man, however, and spent time playing football, working at small jobs, and experimenting in electronics. In 1933, Ellison left Oklahoma and headed to the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to study music, with the help of a scholarship he had won from the state of Oklahoma. One of his music teachers at the school was Hazel Harrison who would later introduce Ellison to Alain Locke, a New Negro thinker, who would lead Ellison to his writing career years later through connections to Langston Hughes and Richard Wright. At Tuskegee, Ellison excelled in his music program as well as taking a particular liking to his sociology and sculpture classes and the outside classroom which Alabama provided. Though not pleased with the desire of the states people, black and white, to categorize him as he had never experienced at home, he did appreciate the chance to raise his own consciousness concerning the rest of the country he lived in. Literature would also influence his say at Tuskegee as he again delved into the expansive libraries at his disposal. T.S.Show MoreRelatedBlack Writers of the 20th Century E ssay975 Words   |  4 PagesThree authors in particular, Ralph Ellison, Langston Hughes, and Richard Wright became some of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century, owing to their own history and life experiences to give life and meaning to their works. Ralph Ellison is one of the more influential writers of the early 20th century in North America. Born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on 1 March 1914. According to Liukkonen of Finland, Ellison was named after the great Ralph Waldo Emerson, the poet. EllisonsRead MoreCharacter Development In Ralph Ellisons The Invisible Man1547 Words   |  7 Pagesalso the case for Ralph Ellison’s acclaimed first novel, The Invisible Man, in which he creates a bildungsroman by utilizing the unnamed narrator’s psyche to develop the invisible man’s search for his place in society, weaving a hero’s adventure from the contrasting South and North, and also discovers his own place within his real society. Ralph Ellison had a unique childhood that shaped his views of American culture and in return played a major part in establishing his love for music within the novelRead MoreSimilarities Between Shirley Jackson And Battle Royal1604 Words   |  7 PagesThe Lottery (1948) written by Shirley Jackson and Battle Royal (1952) by Ralph Ellison are short stories that stress the issues of conformity and breaking tradition. Both stories were written during a time when individuality was not looked upon in a pleasant manor. 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The summer before his senior year in college, Ellison went to New YorkRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The Harlem Renaissance1086 Words   |  5 Pagesall of his writings, the Harlem renaissance was very important to African American literature because it was it brought new attention to it. During the renaissance African American literature along with black art and music began to be followed by mainstream America. In Ralph Ellison novel Invisible Men was published in 1952 was another example about how race played in American society. The novel portrayed an African American men whose skin considered him invisible. The story builds up on what makesRead MoreInvisible Man By Ralph Ellison1481 Words   |  6 PagesInvisible Man is a novel by Ralph Ellison, published in 1952. It addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans in the early twentieth century. This includes black nationalism, the relationship between black identity and Marxism, and the reformist racial policies of Booker T. Washington, as well as issues of individuality and personal identity. The grandson of slaves, Ralph Ellison was born in 1914 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and was raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. HisRead MoreAnalysis Of Bird By Ralph Ellison1307 Words   |  6 Pagessentences contain qualifiers to expand the meaning of the words after the qualifier. The Ralph Ellison includes the qualifi er â€Å"Oddly enough†, to say that there are a lot of theories as to why Charles Parker was given the nickname of â€Å"Bird† but none can be proven. The writer also uses the qualifier â€Å"however† to show that the difference between the theories for his name and the real reason the called him â€Å"Bird†. 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Though his chronological writing, he uses the timeline of his childhood as personal evidence of the effects of racism in the upbringing of an African American child in a Post-Reconstruction Era America. A creative narrative written in second-person, all his arguments are supported primarily through anecdotal examples thatRead MoreWho Cares About Writing?1066 Words   |  5 Pagesthoughts, but also because many times in reading its possible to gain knowledge and wisdom from other’s work. While listening to musicians, both instrumental and vocal, I find that there passion is in their expression. Ralph Ellison mentions in his essay, Living With Music, â€Å"Their driving motivation was neither money nor fame, but the will to achieve the most eloquent expression of idea-emotions through the technical mastery of their instruments.† (206). Often times its portrayed

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice Can Do For You 2019

Educational standards for law enforcement jobs are climbing steadily. Civil service exams have been the traditional rite of passage for police department applicants, with educational requirements minimal. That standard is changing, both for police and deputy sheriff applicants as well as correctional officers. The law enforcement listings in a recently consulted government jobs website listed a position for correctional officer in Green Bay Wisconsin. It was the typical jail monitor and prisoner movement type job, but entry level requirements included an associates degree in criminal justice or a related field. That is indicative of the change that is occurring for sworn personnel positions. Physical condition is important but increasingly, so are interpersonal skills, knowledge of the law and investigative practices. Officers who do not understand the workings of the criminal justice system are officers that are more likely to make mistakes. Some jobs in the area of social work require college exposure to criminal justice. The Childrens Protective Services bureau in many counties ask that their entry level counselors have an associates degree in criminal justice or social work. Many times, an endangered child is in a house where other types of criminal behavior may be present. Social welfare agencies have recognized that fact. As the laws have become more stringent regarding child abuse in the home, agency response to suspect households has become somewhat more militant. .u6bcf7437cfcbb075078d455172b26469 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u6bcf7437cfcbb075078d455172b26469:active, .u6bcf7437cfcbb075078d455172b26469:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u6bcf7437cfcbb075078d455172b26469 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u6bcf7437cfcbb075078d455172b26469 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u6bcf7437cfcbb075078d455172b26469 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u6bcf7437cfcbb075078d455172b26469:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Online Engineering Education Career Opportunities in Food and NanotechnologyThe same is true for counseling services provided to women in crisis who are abuse victims. The case workers assigned to reports of this nature are often people with enforcement backgrounds, out of probation or parole departments. Those departments who have workers assigned full time to abuse reports may require criminal justice backgrounds of applicants for those positions. Probation officers in the juvenile justice system may be eligible with an associates degree, although many departments now require bachelors degrees in criminal justice. There are counseling and correctional positions within the juvenile justice system that are similar to the correctional treatment officers in prisons: these jobs may only require an associates degree. Many of the court clerk positions at the county and state level require certification and completion of some mandatory classes. An associates degree in criminal justice may be acceptable as a replacement for some of the training, although the testing requirement will not change. Oversight of a court clerks pool or a similar mid-level management position may also be an employment possibility for a graduate with an associates degree. .u1b513daf88ce2f55522072f3c72a217f { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u1b513daf88ce2f55522072f3c72a217f:active, .u1b513daf88ce2f55522072f3c72a217f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u1b513daf88ce2f55522072f3c72a217f { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u1b513daf88ce2f55522072f3c72a217f .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u1b513daf88ce2f55522072f3c72a217f .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u1b513daf88ce2f55522072f3c72a217f:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Personal Financial Planning CoursesThe fact is that law enforcement and criminal justice job requirements change with every jurisdiction: each county in a state will have its own courthouse employment requirements and every police and sheriffs agency will also have their own guidelines for applicants. State law enforcement and court employment standards for education may be a little higher than at the local level, but again no two states are alike. In the case of an associates degree, there are jobs in the criminal justice field where the completion of the degree will help you obtain the position. It will take research on your part and a fairly specific occupational goal in order to determine where that fit may be that will benefit you. Related ArticlesAfter Graduation From a Criminal Justice Degree ProgramCriminal Justice Associate Degree Jobs 7 Exciting Career Opportunities from Court Services to Detective JobsCareer in Criminal Justice with an Associate Degree 5 Little Known Facts about Life as Police OfficerAssociate Degree in Criminal Justice Boost Earning Potential and Streamline into the Criminal Justice WorkforceAssociate Degree in Criminal Justice Online Graduates Have the Opportunity to Assist Inmates with Substance Abuse Issues in WisconsinDegree in Criminal Justice Use a Criminal Justice Background to go to Law School .u10e586e0486f167be5e815643e128463 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webk it-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u10e586e0486f167be5e815643e128463:active, .u10e586e0486f167be5e815643e128463:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u10e586e0486f167be5e815643e128463 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u10e586e0486f167be5e815643e128463 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u10e586e0486f167be5e815643e128463 .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u10e586e0486f167be5e815643e128463:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ The Trials and Tribulations of a Distance Learning MBA